Some of My Favorite Puzzles

What's the Point for a cube

These are puzzles that I have either invented or “acquired” over the years. I have avoided problems that have appeared many times in other puzzle books (You have 12 coins, one of which is either light or heavy...). The puzzles are presented here without solutions because, of course, the joy of a puzzle is in the solving, not in the answer. If you have questions about any of these, if you need a hint, or if you would like to share solutions or other insights, please send an email to deanbal (at) comcast (dot) net.

What’s the Point?
Unfair Dice
Unfair Coins
Dr. Monadnock’s Socks
Folding a Pentagon
Packing a Sphere
Primes at Vertices
Beat the Spread

Here is a list of my puzzles that were selected for publishing in the Riddler column on All of these puzzles have a link to their answers revealed in the following week's column.

One Small Step For Man, One Giant Coin Flip For Mankind
How Many Pennies Should You Pinch?
King Auric’s Golden Spheres
Overlapping Squares (from Touching Cubes)
Cutting Pizza (from Cutting Cake)
Covering an Isosceles Triangle
Primes at Cubic Vertices
First Unmakeable Number
Asymmetrical Pizza
Happy New Year 2023

Some of these puzzles have led to new sequences being published in the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. Here are links to those sequences:

From Dr. Monadnock's Socks:
The basic sock problem
If the number of each color must be even
If there may be only one sock of a color
One sock of a color and numbers may repeat

From King Auric's Golden Spheres:
The basic sphere problem
Same problem with discs

From the First Unmakeable Number:
The basic problem